Mirades creuades is a new work commissioned by the pianist Roger Illa (https://www.rogerilla.com/) with aid and funding of the Catalan Government. It's a work created at the Artist's Residency Cal Gras at Avinyó (https://calgras.cat/). Premiere will be taking place in Auditori Convent dels Caputxins of Figueres, in April 2023.

"Perquè encara no surti el sol," has been selected as a winner of the 2024 Solo Violin Call for Scores organized by the Deleuze New Music Collective.( https://www.deleuze-new-music-co.com/general-8 ).It will be performed as part of the DNMC's upcoming season.

Composition Masterclass
Bologna's Conservatory
March 12, 2024.

Divinae Paracusiae
Preview of the Premiere
March 9, 2024.
For Cello and Guitar.
Ensemble Fluido.
Andrea Peirón, Cello.
Fix Nicolet, Guitar.
Concerto yesterday, Sala Tàpies (Pompeu Fabra University at Barcelona.
It was a preview of what is coming on May-June...Divinae Paracusiae...Vilavecchia Fellowships, Amics de la Biblioteca Haas, Cercca,UPF.

Premiere of Mirades Creuades - Suite Illa
February 24, 2024.
For 4 microtonal keyboards.
Roger Illa Prats (Keyboards)
Premiere in Figueres on February 24th at 8 pm 2024, at the Caputxins Auditorium.

Conference at IV Congress of Music Pedagogy
Manel Ribera's Conference at Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu, within the framework of the IV Congress of Musical Pedagogy. Schemata and Partimenti, towards a more holistic education.
Link to the conference:

OCTOBER 15, 2023.
The Quartet premiere of my LLibre Vermell at the Pilar and Joan Miró Foundation in Mallorca, performed by Ensemble Calliopée.

Preview and Conference-Presentation.
October 13, 2023.
19:00h at Fundació ACA, Búger, Mallorca.
Ensemble Calliopée.
PREVIEW of my work LLibre Vermell de Montserrat for Piano Quartet

Guest composer at:
"Encontres de Compositors"
New commission and première.
MALLORCA. October 12-14, 2023.
Ensemble Calliopée
Piano Quartet.

Efferent Verb: Strings, Vol. I
September 24, 2023.
Since 2023, Efferent Verb has initiated the Ensemble Introverse project, a collective of academic performers and composers, as part of the Avant-Garde! project, collaborating with renowned institutions like Carnegie Hall and media partners such as The New York Times and Tate Modern.
The String Orchestra of Brooklyn will play the selected string orchestra's works.
Efferent Verb media partners include The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Tate Modern, and others. In the course of their activities, they have worked with the New York State Council on the Arts, Bernstein, and Citi Private Bank.

Sala 4 de l'Auditori Nacional de Catalunya,Barcelona.
Date: Tuesday, June 27th, 2023.
Time: 12:30 p.m.

Inside the work Mirades creuades, there will be the premiere of my Suite Illa for four microtonal pianos.
Sunday, October 22, 2023 - 12:00 p.m.

Manel Ribera, winner of the international residency grant awarded this year by La Marfà at Girona.
Composer Manel Ribera Torres presents his project "Variations on the Red Book," performed by French guitarist Fix Nicolet Guitariste and Catalan cellist Andrea Peirón (Ensemble Fluido). The artist delves into the past with the Red Book of Montserrat as a source of inspiration and creates a work based on contemporary decontextualization!!
More information 👉 Link to La Marfà's website
MAY 16, 2023.

Begining as Resident Composer at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. Enjoying the Javier & Marta Villavecchia Fellowships at The Centre for Aesthetics, Religion and Contemporary Culture and the Haas Library.
February 23, 2023.
Premiere February 3 and 4, 2023
Barcelona Symphony Orchestra (OBC) new orchestral work.
The new orchestral work by Manel Ribera was premiered at l'Auditori Nacional de Catalunya by OBC (Barcelona Symphony Orchestra), on February 3 and 4, 2023.
Watch the video of the composer explaining his work:

Appointed Teacher of Music Composition, Analysis, and Harmony at Tarragona’s Conservatory. December 24, 2022.

November 25, 2022.
Composition Masterclass at Tarragona's Conservatory.

25th London New Wind Festival
The UK premiere of my solo clarinet work "El món d'Ulisses"! Philip Edwards at the clarinet.25th London New Wind Festival https://www.londonnewwindfestival.co.uk Recitals of New Music for Solo Wind Instrument and PianoSaturday October 1st 2022 6.30pm.The Warehouse, 13 Theed St, London SE1 8ST

Barcelona Symphony Orchestra (OBC) announces season 2022/23 and a Commission for composing a new Orchestral work.
The new orchestral work by Manel Ribera will be premiered at l'Auditori Nacional de Catalunya by OBC (Barcelona Symphony Orchestra) within its new season, on February 3 and 4, 2023.

Manel Ribera has received the Javier & Marta Villavecchia Fellowships
of the Centre for Aesthetics, Religion and Contemporary Culture and the Haas Library at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra with the project of artistic creation inspired by Hildegard von Bingen. A work full of research for the guitar and neural networks! Very happy to be able to proceed with this project, along with the guitarist Fix Nicolet, Enric Guaus and Fèlix Pastor to the neuronal nets, and Pablo Freres. The project is devised to last from January to July 2023.

New work Co-Commissioned by Festival DME Lisboa and Certamen LLobet for Cello and Guitar
New work for
Matthias Lorenz (cello) (https://www.matlorenz.de/en/index.htm)
Bertrand Chavarria-Aldrete (Guitar) (https://www.chavarria-aldrete.com/) during July 2023 festival (https://www.festival-dme.org/) (https://mllobet.com/es/certamenllobet/)

New commission for String Orchestra based on Hildegard von Bingen. Premiere June 2023.
The Associació Inspiració 2022 (https://inspiracio2022.cat/) aims to find the links between the processes of inner transformation, spirituality, and the humanities. For this purpose, the Inspira Center, recently created in the Monestir, (Convent de les Caputxines of Manresa (headquarters of the same association)), promotes various activities such as talks, conferences, and workshops, as well as residencies and artistic events. In the next academic year 2022-2023, a residency is planned, to begin during the semester of this year (August 1-December 31, 2022). Manel Ribera (Manresa, 1974), is the chosen composer. He will develop the creation of the work Paracúsies Divines that arose from his study and relationship with the figure of Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179). This creation, in turn, will be accompanied by a series of activities around the medieval Benedictine nun, as will a concert by the British soprano Grace Davidson. In the course of this concert, with a date to be determined between the months of May-June-July 2023, the aforementioned work by Ribera, will be premiered, thus establishing a musical dialogue between medieval music and music newly created.